1- too much work per coolness factor
2-RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO Yeah. And have it so this special flag will not show on alt, or is it control? Maps would have to be premade to make sure the flag is placed so at least part of the flag is showing.
3-Also too much work per coolness factor XD
4-this has been suggested a lot, check out the 1 vs 1 vs 1etc thread, it shouldn't ba too far back
5-Would be interesting at a festival or something, but boring in the long run.
6-Would need to be elaborated to work. How much hp? Genths balance not allowed? etc. For example I can easily kill a 480 hp, armor 100 barrel in less than 10 seconds. Also this would be cool to simply have in isles or something for a title, not as competition in a ? vs ?